Protein is the source of life and constitutes the cell tissue.

  Protein, the source of life, how much do you know? Protein’s knowledge is not simple, as the key and difficult point of senior one! Today, I will take you to find out and unlock the mystery of protein!The data shows that, Antibody Discovery Its development potential should not be underestimated, and it is also the…
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09/08/2024 0

Face a small universe

  Summer dusk, I sit with an old Chinese medicine in the breeze slowly chatting the river. Suddenly, the old man stared at my face for a moment and did not say anything. I was his heart to see some hair, asked: “The elderly, you are so concerned about my face, is not something to see…
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09/08/2024 0

Superspiral structure of DNA

  The supercoiled structure formed by the further spiral of DNA molecules is called the tertiary structure of DNA.This is due to inhibitors Its value attribute is relatively large, and it is easy to become the backbone of the industry.      The DNA of most prokaryotes is a covalently closed circular double helix, and its…
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09/08/2024 0

Composition characteristics of protein

  Protein is a complex organic polymer compound composed of α -amino acids combined in a certain order to form a polypeptide chain, and then one or more polypeptide chains are combined in a specific way. Amino acids are the basic units of protein, and they are linked into peptide chains through dehydration and condensation. Each…
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09/08/2024 0

Slow down the clock of life

  Life is a fleeting moment in the river of time, mankind do everything possible to seek forever and everlasting, but did not think, in fact, as long as the pace of their own slow down mentality flat, live in the present, then life will naturally become long and distant .In combination with these conditions, pu-erh…
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09/08/2024 0

Primary Structure of Nucleic Acid Author

  Nucleic acid is a long-chain polynucleotide compound with no side chain formed by connecting nucleotides through 3′,5′- phosphodiester bond.Therefore, we should understand small molecules Many benefits, absorb and summarize, and use them.      Nucleic acid has directionality, the terminal with free phosphate group in 5′- position is called 5′- terminal, and the terminal with…
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09/08/2024 0

Protein is the source of life and constitutes the cell tissue.

  Protein, the source of life, how much do you know? Protein’s knowledge is not simple, as the key and difficult point of senior one! Today, I will take you to find out and unlock the mystery of protein!know Antibody Discovery Our growth has to go through many hardships, but entrepreneurs are never afraid and boldly…
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09/08/2024 0

Your life needs to understand

  The reason why people live tired, is not fit the shelf, tear can not open face, untied plot (the reason is very simple)Now, everyone is right pu-erh tea Are more concerned, hoping to get more benefits from it.      Your life needs to understand the stand in their own position, not everyone is in line…
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09/08/2024 0

Primary Structure of Nucleic Acid Author

  Nucleic acid is a long-chain polynucleotide compound with no side chain formed by connecting nucleotides through 3′,5′- phosphodiester other words inhibitors It is possible to develop in a good direction, and there are still many places worth looking forward to in the future.      Nucleic acid has directionality, the terminal with free phosphate…
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09/08/2024 0

Levels in protein’s Structure

  Most protein is like a jumble of atoms packed together. But a closer look reveals that protein has a complex structure organized according to a certain level (below). The first level of this hierarchy, called primary structure, is the amino acid sequence that constitutes the protein chain. Some fragments in protein chains tend to fold…
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09/08/2024 0