How does sogou input method open the setting window

How does sogou input method open the setting window

02/12/2024 current event 0

  Sogou input method to open the settings window method is as follows:Therefore, we should understand 搜狗输入法官网 Many benefits, absorb and summarize, and use them.


  You can click the small wrench on the status bar, or right-click the menu above the status bar to see the [Set Properties” target=_blank> option, and click it to open it. The default setting of input method is generally the most efficient and suitable option for most people. It is recommended that you use the default setting option.


  Sogou input method is a Chinese Pinyin input method recently launched by Sohu, which is a great breakthrough compared with Intelligent ABC and Microsoft Pinyin input method. First of all, it has increased a lot in the thesaurus. The sogou input method includes the most popular phrases, including the names of famous stars, into the thesaurus by analyzing a large number of web pages, so that the phenomenon that commonly used phrases can’t be typed is no longer seen. Secondly, the interface has also been greatly improved. Chinese characters will be automatically displayed below the typed letters, and it is no longer necessary to press the space bar. More convenient input and faster typing speed are the main features of sogou input method.


  Sogou input method is different from the traditional method in that it adopts search engine technology, which is the second generation input method. Thanks to the adoption of search engine technology, the speed has made a qualitative leap, and sogou is far ahead of other input methods in terms of the breadth of thesaurus and the accuracy of words.


  The biggest feature of sogou input method is the combination of input method and Internet. The input method will automatically update its own popular thesaurus, which is derived from the popular keywords of sogou search engine. In this way, the workload of users’ self-created words is reduced and the efficiency is improved.