Skills of using sogou pinyin input method

Skills of using sogou pinyin input method

02/12/2024 current event 0

  Most users who use sogou input method type with sogou, and seldom pay attention to other functions of sogou. So what are the skills of using Sogou Pinyin input method? Here are some very useful functions of sogou input.By comparison, it can be seen that 搜狗输入法官网 It has certain advantages and great cost performance.


  First, quickly link to web pages. If you want to open a web page without opening the browser, you don’t need to start the browser and then enter the address, just enter the name of the website to be opened in the input method. As shown in figure:


  Skills of using sogou pinyin input method


  First, quickly link to web pages.


  Just enter the name of the website to be opened in the input method.


  Second, enter emoticons. Click the menu button on the far right of the floating interface of sogou input method, or press ctrl+alt+m directly to open the menu. After entering the menu interface, select expressions and symbols. There are many kinds of expressions for us to choose from.


  Second, enter emoticons.


  Click the menu button on the far right of the floating interface of sogou input method.


  Select expressions and symbols after entering the menu interface.


  Third, soft keyboard and other special effects. Press ctrl+alt+m to open the menu, which contains soft keyboard and special effects. You can write Martian and rainbow characters with special effects.