European Council decides to launch accession negotiations for Bosnia and Herzegovina

European Council decides to launch accession negotiations for Bosnia and Herzegovina

14/03/2025 current event 0

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Brussels, March 21 (Reporters Fu Yiming and Zhang Zhaoqing) European Council President Michel announced on the 21st that the European Council decided on the same day to start negotiations for Bosnia and Herzegovina to join the EU.

The EU summit was held in Brussels, the capital of Belgium, that day. Michel said on social media that night that the European Council had just decided to start accession negotiations with Bosnia and Herzegovina. The decision was a key step for Bosnia and Herzegovina on the road to joining the EU, but Bosnia and Herzegovina still needs to continue its efforts.

Bosnia and Herzegovina submitted its application to join the European Union in February 2016, and the European Council decided in December 2022 to grant Bosnia and Herzegovina candidate membership status in the European Union. On the 12th of this month, the European Commission recommended that the Council of the European Union launch accession negotiations for Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Before the formal launch of accession negotiations, some procedures still need to be gone through within the EU. The process of accession negotiations generally lasts for several years.