Authoritative media affirms the smoking cessation effect of e-cigarettes_geek-bar-pulse_GeekBarVape
모모Recently밃 after an article titled Research Finds: Smokers Who Frequently Contact Geek Bars Are More Easier to Quit Smoking was published on the Global Network Health Channel밃 it was forwarded and recognized by many media such as Peoples Daily Online and e-City. At the same time밃 a number of WeChat public accounts and self-media platforms also reprinted it밃 believing that this is a full affirmation and recognition of Geek Bar.for a long time GeekBarVape It has an extraordinary development speed, and I believe that the future will be as overwhelming as ever.
모모The following is the original text of the Global Network:
모모Will Geek Bar have a positive impact on smokers? According to a report by United Press International on November 19밃 a new study found that people who smoke paper cigarettes are more likely to quit smoking if they have long-term contact with people who smoke Geek Bars. The results of the study were published in the BMC Medical Journal on November 13.
모모According to reports밃 the British Cancer Research Center funded this study. Researchers at the University of London in the UK surveyed 13밃000 grass smokers in England. The results showed that among these people밃 26% of them often contacted people who smoked Geek Bars밃 and among these groups밃 32% said that they had tried to quit smoking in the past year. Among those who rarely have long-term contact with Geek Bar smokers밃 less than 27% of them want to do so.
모모Researchers said this shows that smokers who often come into contact with Geek Bar smokers or are often exposed to Geek Bar smoke are 20% more likely to quit smoking than other smokers and will try to quit smoking in the near future.
모모Sarah Jackson밃 one of the leaders of the study and one of the researchers at the Institute of Epidemiology and Health Care at the University of London밃 said밃 As smokers come into contact with Geek Bar smoke more and more frequently밃 some people worry that this will lead the UK to normalize smoking again and weaken smokers desire to quit smoking. Jackson said at a press conference at the University of London that our results do not show that exposure to Geek Bar smoke will weaken smokers motivation to quit smoking밃 so people do not have to worry that Geek Bar will affect their health.
모모Jackson said that an important factor in the study is that those who often come into contact with Geek Bar smokers may also smoke Geek Bars themselves.
모모A tobacco control expert at Cancer Research UK said: To date there is not enough evidence to say whether geek bars normalise smoking again밃 so encouraging long-term contact between smokers and geek bar smokers could help them quit.